Thanks to everyone who joined us for the Golden Dragon Acrobats at the Pikes Peak Center!
Free Family Day!
link to poster
2009 Spring Festival!

Look on the pages at left to view the listings by month
or Download the 16 page guide as a 3mb pdf HERE
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This year’s Imagination Celebration (IC) theme!
Imagine a new approach to charting our area’s future. Imagine people of every walk of life getting together to discuss what we want our community to be like in the year 2020. And imagine children and people, just like you, leading the way.
Look through this Guide for exciting, imaginative, inspiring events brought to you and your family by folks that DREAM BIG and make things happen! This region-wide invitation asks you to be part of creating our identity as a neighborhood, as a town, as a region. Re-imagine the Pikes Peak region! What is your vision for making this the best place to live, work and play? Where are we going? What do we value? What do we see?