Dragon Theatre Productions Directors

CyndiCyndi Parr is the program director and co-founder of Dragon Theatre Productions, a community-inclusive theatre program of the Imagination Celebration for the last seven years and ten productions.  As a native of Colorado Springs, Cyndi graduated from UCCS with a BA in Theatre, Spanish, and Film Studies, and has volunteered both onstage and off in over fifty community theatre productions, including work with Theatre ‘d Art, Millibo Art Theatre, Theatreworks, Star Bar Players, and Smokebrush. She is past-chair for the Chamber Rising Professionals, past president of the Colorado Association of Persons in Supported Employment (CoAPSE), and served as a board member for the Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region (COPPeR) for four years. Cyndi worked as the Employment Services Coordinator for Community Outreach, Inc. for ten years assisting individuals with developmental disabilities in accessing the workforce, and currently works in Product Management at elope, Inc. (everyone laughing on planet earth), an international wholesale costume, hat, and glasses manufacturer that creates funnovative wearables. She is pleased to be working with such a dedicated and creative production team and such a talented cast of performers who make her smile every day!



Angie Kinnett (Director, Playwright) is so thrilled to be part of such a beautiful project and would like to thank everyone for helping make it possible for her to work on it. Being a mother of a three-year old, working full time, and the wife of a local actor who works out of town over the summers, she is happy to find a place where she can expel her creative energy with people who are willing to work around her needs. This is her third show she has directed for DTP, and she could not be more pleased with the talent and beautiful energy everyone has brought to the show. Angie has also directed two shows for another amazing theatre company, Theatre ‘d Art, and a student production while attending UCCS. Aladdin is her first full one act show she has written/adapted, and she is so happy to see how everyone made it come to life. She would like to thank everyone for their wonderful support and the many, many hands that were involved all over the community; she has truly loved every moment of this.



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